Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Stress Management ( 4th part )

Sources of stress
Stress can come from a variety of things, often called stressors. Girdano (2005) divides human stressors into several sections:
1. Bioecological Stress (stress bioekologikal source)
2. Psychosocial Stress (the source of psychosocial stress)
3. Job Stress (source of job stress)
4 Personality types and ways of thinking

Here's a detailed explanation of each source of stress mentioned above.
I. Stress Bioecological
1. Time and Body Rhtyms
-  Time-related stress: deadlines, the natural world time (solar time, lunar time),hormonal time, metabolic time.
-  Jet lag

2. Eating and Drinking Habits
-  Sympathomimetic agents
-  Hypoglicemics
-  Sodium intake
-  Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
-  Overnutrition

3. Polusi votes
The sound can cause stress in 3 ways:
-  Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
-  Making noise is not pleasant.
-  Interrupted activities

4. Climatic and altitude
Climatic or altitude Prolonged stress may result in diminished function leading toward death.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Stress Management ( 3rd part )

Relationship of Love with Stress
Is where we feel the changes in ourselves that can affect the system inside or outside of our bodies. Both changes are conscious or unconscious changes, reaction - a reaction that appears when we fall in love as well as or nearly the same when we experience stress. Like:
  • Response muscles : When we expression (smiling, laughing, sad, happy, surprised, etc..) Muscles - the muscles in our faces to work and move in accordance with the expression of what we feel. At the moment we fall in love, an expression that is more often used is smiling and happy.
  • Response from the heart : Felt at the time we feel the heart degub faster on s semkin aat we meet or face to face with our partners. 
  • Response from the skin : Skin or pores - pores is one in which the media propagated pheromones. Besides the skin also produces liquid sweat. Sometimes we feel nervous and nervous when we meet with our potential partner. This hormone stimulates the feeling of sweat glands to produce sweat. (Girdano, L A. 2005).
In addition to biological changes or on our bodies, there are also changes in diet and rest. "Helen Fisher studies and friends, when someone looked at her lover, will stimulate the dopamine ventral tegmental and caudate nucleus in the brain lit up. In the right doses, dopamine creates the power, excitement, focused attention, and a strong urge to give rewards. That's why falling in love can make bad eating, sleeping rough ".
In the same article, other researchers showed that the body's chemical interference was evident when a person falls in love. For example it was found that serotonin levels of people who are obsessed and her boyfriend 40 percent lower than normal levels of serotonin.

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Stress Management ( 2nd part )

Humor, A Way to Cope with Stress

In coping with stress, you can have a wide choice of activities. You can take some time off and spend the holidays with family. You can do meditation or yoga. You can exercise or do your other hobbies.
One of the newest ways found by the experts in dealing with stress is to laugh. According to research conducted by experts, adults laugh less than children. Children can laugh as much as 400 times in one day, while adults only 15 times. Why do we rarely laugh when laughter is not a difficult thing?
Adults are rarely laugh might be due to problems faced by more and more, giving rise to stress. In addition, the existing mass media provide more news about things that are bad. Death, murder, divorce, seems to be our food daily. No wonder, we laugh less than children. Therefore, let we are more familiar with the benefits that arise if you laugh.

When you laugh, not only makes you look more fresh, but also affect your body's system. When you laugh, the muscles of your body become more relaxed. This of course has a good effect for those of you who are experiencing stress. In addition, with a laugh you can reduce the body's stress hormones. You should know that your body out neuroendocrine hormones when you're stressed. On the other hand when you laugh, your body reduces these hormones so your body will feel more relaxed.

In addition, when you're stressed, your body's immune system becomes weak. You will be more susceptible to disease, which was sometimes causing new stress. Therefore, multiply laughing from now on. Another advantage you get with a laugh is that you can improve your relationships with others. Other people would prefer dealing with people who laugh than someone who always displays a sad face. Therefore, let us lots of laughs from this point. Your health will improve, your relationships with others also increased, and one important thing you can decrease stress. So, remember to have a lot laugh today! So, remember to have a lot laugh today!

"Who has not been stressed in this world and who's never felt love in this world?" I agree with you, would you ever felt what it feels stressed and what is being in love. It's just what the relationship between these two things we might take advantage. There are many articles, books, websites, magazines, research, theory or whatever it is discussing and explaining the meaning of stress as much discussion about what was in love. According to you which causes which? or which caused which? Or how?
Actually, when you fall in love, that's when you experience stress. Okay, maybe you are a little confused with the opinions or statements that I have written above. Before I explain the relationship and meaning of my statement above, we should just - just to know what stress is and what love is.

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

Stress Management ( 1st part )

Stress, a familiar word to you is not it? Do you often experience stress? Stress seems to have happened to anyone.. Whether old or young, whether poor or rich.. Even a small child who wants to get out of the womb too stressed for the first time before he met with the world. He fought hard to get out of the womb. Elderly may also experience stress. A grandparent may experience stress because of the approaching death. A young entrepreneur can experience stress if you look at the share index change over time. Adolescent women also experience stress when getting menstruate. This proves that the stress is already a part of human life. Stress can not be avoided. Therefore, you are the one who should control the stress that comes in your life.

What Is Stress?
Stress can mean one thing that hit us. Stress can also be interpreted as the body's reaction to the environment by increasing the body's internal pressure and the tension between the muscles of the body. Stress that occurs in a long duration may bring the disease in the body. In addition to disease, stress can also steal your own happiness in this life. If you live with unhappiness, of course, life will be much more difficult.

Stress is often known as something that should be avoided, because it makes someone feel uncomfortable. Stress is often thought to bring about negative thingsThus, the meaning of stress for most people. However, if you look deeper, in fact stress is not always negative for your life. Stress is negative if the cause of your body system affected, beyond your ability to handle stress itself, as well as cause problems in your body. Negative stress is called distress (Girdano, 2005). Eustress or positive stress is stress that causes you to adapt and improve your adaptability. Eustress You can also commemorates if your ability is not mengangani sufficient stress so you can improve your coping skills. In essence, Eustress challenge you to live better.

Stress that you experience in life, whether positive or negative stress, can not be avoided. All you can do is to recognize your stress response, seeking the source of stress (stressor) you, to coping strategies (handling stress), and repeat in your life everyday. By making the fourth such action, then you can manage your stress better and live more happily.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010



* The debate is argument of activities between two or more parties, either individually or in groups, in discussing and deciding issues and differences. Formally, the debate mostly done in the legislative institutions such as parliaments, especially in countries that use the opposition system. In this case, the debate is to obey the rules clear and the results of the debate can be generated through a vote or decision of the jury.
(Source: id.wikipedia.org)

* The debate is a discussion between two people or some different opinions, where between one party and other parties to attack each other. (Source: eduscpes.com)

* The debate occurred in which elements play a lot of emotion. Here ,The participants maintain their opinion and there is little room in the inner, to hear the good opinion of others. The atmosphere becomes 'busy' and the peaceful nature of the discussion did not happen. Each participant only want to 'hear' their own opinions and wishes in order that the other participants agree. So there are elements of coercion.
(source: krishnamurti.or.id)

* The debate is the main activity of the people who demonstratic (source: pbs.org)

* The debate is a contest between two people or groups who presented on their arguments and try to defeat arguments of their opponents. (Source: triviumpursuit.com)

* The debate is a formal method for presenting an argument that consists of argument issue and supporting issue or against the issue.
(source: thepeoplespeaks.org)

* I think the debate is the argument between two or more parties in discussing the different views in response to get an information.

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010


After we know,about Discussion (deffinition,requirement and pattern).In this post,we study about how to make dialogue with other people.


* Dialogue in etymologically is composed of two words from the Greek berasl διά (him) which means a stone path ways and λόγος (logos) which means that the dialogue can be interpreted as human in a way to use a word.
(Source: en.wikipedia.org)

* Thought David Bohm (1917-1992), a physicist who developed a theory based on the communication of quantum theory and relativity theory, should be considered. According to him, dialogue do not like discussion. In fact, contrary to the discussion of dialogue that has a tendency toward a particular goal, to reach an agreement, to solve problems or win one opinion. Dialogue is not a technique to solve a problem or a means of conflict resolution.
(Source: kaosblog.com)

* Dialogue can also be interpreted As with a reciprocal conversation between two people or more.
(Source: Merriam-webster.com)

* Hans-Georg Gadamer described the dialogue as the two parties to understand each other where each person opens himself to accept the way other people view as being worthy of consideration. (Gadamer 1979:347)
(source: kaosblog.com)

* Dialogue was declared the thinking process and change ways of thinking into the process of collective thinking. In the process of dialogue when other orag say something, others listen and respond stating that he agreed with the previous one.
(source: wikipedia.org / bohm_dialogue)

*and  I think dialogue is a process of two parties to understand each other in exchanging information.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010


Today,we discuss about discussion,dialogue and  debate.In the first post,we describe about discussion that include Deffinitions, requirement and patterns of discussion.


* Discussion is an interaction of communication between two or more people / groups. Usually the communication between these groups can be one of science or knowledge base that will ultimately provide a good sense of understanding and correctnest. Discussions can be anything that originally called the topic. Discussion of this topic developed and discussed which will ultimately result in an understanding of the topic.
(Source: wikipedia.org)

* Discussion is an interaction of communication between two or more people / groups. Usually the communication between these groups be one of science or knowledge base that will ultimately provide a better sense of understanding and correctnest. Beside that,discussions can also be interpreted as a process of exchange of information, opinions, and regularly experience elements in order to gain understanding with a clearer, more precise about something or to prepare and complete.
(source: dajal007.bedeng.com)

* Discussion is a way of exchanging ideas between 2 people or more on a particular topic. What happens in a discussion is quite pleasant situation, in which the participants expressed their opinion about a particular subject. Its intellectual and emotional shape is not much role in this form of brainstorming.
(source: krishnamurti.or.id)

* Discussions are communicative conversation between two people or more of the agreed "make a deal" on a topic of conversation. (Source: wordnet.princeton.edu)

* Discussion is an informal debate (source: inspection.gc.ca / indonesia / corpaffr / publications / riscomm / riscomm_appe.shtm)

* A discussion is an oral exploration of a topic, object, concept or experience. All Learners need frequent opportunities to generate and share their questions and ideas in small and whole class settings. Teachers who encourage and accept students' questions and comments without judgment and clarify understandings by paraphrasing difficult terms stimulate the exchange of ideas.
(source: olc.spsd.sk.ca / DE / PD / InStr / strats / discussion)

* According to some definitions above, I think the discussion is a communication interaction between two or more people / groups in the process of exchanging information, opinions, experiences and regular elements in order to gain mutual understanding clearer.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Communication Interpersonal

First post,Communication Interpersonal is the main topics in this blog. As we know,communication interpersonal is important for us,and for introduction post of this blog,we will discuss about Communication Interpersonal. Communication is a process to get information from others. Communication is an important part of human’s life. Talking about human’s life, in fact according to psychology, there are some relevant concepts of human. They were divided into four points , such as: 
  1. Behaviorism Psychological: creature physical / behavioral habits 
  2. Cognitive Psychology : Human beings can thinking 
  3.  Psychoanalysis Psychology : Human beings have a mental / subconsciou 
  4.  Humanism Psychology : Human beings are unique / different 
According of the concepts mentioned above, we may conclude that humans are unique creatures with the result of that to communicate we must consider the rules of communication, these things to avoid missunderstanding.Interpersonal communication is the communication is done by people with others. 
Interpersonal communication is a communication method that is often used by people at work, hang out and in our community. Communication is a problem when we didn’t know how to communicate and this frequently faced by everyone. In fact, communication is very easy in theory and practice, but for some people,it can be difficult.

Communication can occur directly and indirectly. Direct communication can be done directly talking with other. Communication is very effective to know response from the others.Beside direct communication, there is indirect communication. People usually communicate by email, letters, SMS, presentations and meetings. This communication is indirect communication. Indirect communication is efficient, but it is more advisable to make direct communication (face to face), because if the communication is done directly, then the two sides better understand the information provided, it is more familiar than other speaker characteristics, so the risk of understanding can be minimized.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Team Work [ 1st part ]

Man is a social being thus he needs to interact with people. Almost every individual has experienced, in one way or another, how it is to work in a group – from his childhood games to wherever he is now earning his living. Unfortunately, not every group succeeds in its objectives or goals. Failure is a possible consequence whenever we get into a challenge. However, we can always avoid this much dreaded “failure” if every member of a group would not fail to use or exercise TEAMWORK. Yes, every group of people must not only work as a GROUP where every individual works for his own advantage, but instead, every one should work as part of a TEAM – where he is working towards a common goal. When these “small contributions” build up, success is hardly unforeseeable.

How can a person work as part of a TEAM? It’s actually so easy: just remember the word TEAMWORK as a guideline. Also remember that all these should work together – should be there hand in hand from the conception of the team to the achievement of the final goal. No one of these can be enough and can work in isolation to be able to come up with a successful team.

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

10 Ways to Instantly Build Self Confidence

Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your wits. Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on how others perceive you. Perception is reality — the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is you’ll succeed.

Although many of the factors affecting self confidence are beyond your control, there are a number of things you can consciously do to build self confidence. By using these 10 strategies you can get the mental edge you need to reach your potential.

Talk To Somebody Now about building Self Confidence!

Build Self Confidence