Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Stress Management ( 4th part )

Sources of stress
Stress can come from a variety of things, often called stressors. Girdano (2005) divides human stressors into several sections:
1. Bioecological Stress (stress bioekologikal source)
2. Psychosocial Stress (the source of psychosocial stress)
3. Job Stress (source of job stress)
4 Personality types and ways of thinking

Here's a detailed explanation of each source of stress mentioned above.
I. Stress Bioecological
1. Time and Body Rhtyms
-  Time-related stress: deadlines, the natural world time (solar time, lunar time),hormonal time, metabolic time.
-  Jet lag

2. Eating and Drinking Habits
-  Sympathomimetic agents
-  Hypoglicemics
-  Sodium intake
-  Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
-  Overnutrition

3. Polusi votes
The sound can cause stress in 3 ways:
-  Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
-  Making noise is not pleasant.
-  Interrupted activities

4. Climatic and altitude
Climatic or altitude Prolonged stress may result in diminished function leading toward death.

II. Stress psychosocial
5. Psychosocial stress:
a. Change
b. Frustration
c. Overload
d. Boredom and loneliness
e. The dynamics of relationships between the four problems mentioned above. 

a. Change
    How to make the process easier life change?
    - Control
    - Challenge
    - Commitment

Flannery (1993):
-    Take personal control in their lives
-    Are task oriented and focused
-    Consume few dietary stimulants
-    Exercise aerobically
-    Practice relaxation
-    Seek social support
-    Have a sense of humor
-    Religious claim value

2. Frustration
-    Overcrowding
-    Discrimination
-    Social factors of economic
-    Bureaucracy

3. Overload
-    Urban Overload
-    Occupational Overload
-    Academic Overload
-    Domestic Overload

4. Boredom and loneliness
Deprivational Stress:
the psychological stress response caused by states of boredom and / or loneliness (Girdano et al., 2005).

III. Job Stress
The sources of stress from the world of work are:
1. Organizational Stressors
-    Lack of financial rewards
-    Lack of career guidance
-    Overspecialization
-    Work overload
-    Decision making

2. Individual Stressors Individual Stressors
-    Occupational frustration
-    Job ambiguity and role conflict
-    Stifled communication
-    Discrimination
-    Bureaucracy
-    Inactivity and boredom

3. Stressors, work environment (environmental stressors)
-  Change and adaptation
a. Technology change
b. Relocation Relocation
c. Promotion
d. Reorganization and downsizing
    -  Violence in workplace
    -  Retirement

4. Biological factors in workplace
-    Time change
-    Noise
-    Lighting
-    Computers and eyestrain
-    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
-    Temperature
-    Physical Posture

5. Compassion fatique
Compassion fatigue: the stress of helping individuals after traumatic events, or serious life events.

Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day
for something other than itself.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -

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